The goal of NEWW's Newsletter is to inform readers of upcoming events and programs
and to provide information on the current situation of women's human rights in Central
and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States, and the Russian Federation (CEE/NIS).
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The goal of the NEWW Fellowship Programs is to build the capacity of young women activists and women's NGOs throughout CEE/NIS, to advocate more effectively for women's legal, economic and social rights. NEWW has two Fellowship Programs, the Legal Fellowship Program and the Economic and Social Policy Fellowship Program
Anna Wojciechowska-Nowak
Warsaw, Poland
Anna joins the NEWW Legal Fellowship Program from the Federation for Women and Family Planning and the Center for the Advancement of Women, both in Warsaw. Anna's primary issue areas include women's position in the labor market, social safety nets, and reproductive rights. As a 2002 NEWW Fellow, Anna worked with the Institute for Women's Policy Research ( in Washington, D.C. During her Fellowship, Anna also participated in the Women's Human Rights law school course at Georgetown University Law Center. Anna will implement her follow-on project with the Center for the Advancements of Women in Poland where she will address the gender dimensions of telework in Poland and the legal context surrounding this issue.
Ekho Baasanjav
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ekho is a 2002 Legal Fellow, and is a program officer with the Lawyers Center Supporting Legal Reform in Mongolia Ekho's work at the Center includes coordinating projects on women's rights, legal publications, and legal trainings on domestic violence. As a NEWW Legal Fellow, Ekho worked with the Women's Human Rights Program of Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights ( and participated in the International Human Rights law course at the University of Minnesota. Ekho will implement her follow-on project, "Domestic Violence and Training Among Legal Professionals," with the Lawyers Center. The goal of her project is to bring domestic violence cases in the Mongolian courts and to pressure the government to pass a domestic violence law.
Nino Bakakuri
Tbilisi, Georgia
Nino is a 2002 NEWW Legal Fellow and comes to the Fellowship Program from the Georgian Young Lawyers Association in Tbilisi. Nino's issue areas include trafficking in women, domestic violence and legal education. During her Fellowship, Nino worked with the International Human Rights Law Group (, Trafficking in Persons Project in Washington, D.C. Nino also participated in the Women's Human Rights law school course at Georgetown University Law Center. Nino will implement her follow-on project, "Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence in Georgia," with the Lawyers Association. The project will examine national and international legislation on human trafficking and domestic violence. On the basis of this research, the Lawyers Association will provide concrete recommendations to the Georgian Government on developing and implementing appropriate legal mechanisms to address trafficking and domestic violence.
Lenka Simerska
Prague, Czech Republic
Lenka is the first NEWW Economic and Social Policy Fellow. She holds a M.A. in Political and Economic Sociology from Charles University in Prague. Lenka is also a founding member of the Prague Gender Studies Center, and a member of the Board of the KARAT Coalition. At the Gender Center, Lenka works as a program manager on the International Networking Project. As a Fellow, Lenka worked with the Economic and Social Justice Program of the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) ( and participated in a labor studies course at Rutgers University. Lenka will implement her follow-on project, "Women and Foreign Direct Investment in the Czech Republic," with the Gender Studies Center. This project will examine foreign direct investment processes and policies through a gender lens. It will investigate ways for women to become more pro-active in attracting women friendly investment and will set out a road map of current investment processes in the Czech Republic, while highlighting points of intervention for women.
Mirlinda Kusari
Mirlinda will join the NEWW Economic and Social Policy Fellowship Program in 2003. Mirlinda holds a degree in Economics and Business Management from the
University of Prishtina. Her areas of interest are women's entrepreneurship development and small business development. Mirlinda established the Women's Business Association in Gjakova, Kosova and is currently the President of this organization.
Aleksandra Vladisavljevic
Aleksandra will join the NEWW Economic and Social Policy Fellowship Program in 2003. She is currently finishing her work as Country Coordinator of the STAR Network of World Learning, Serbia. Aleksandra works to promote women's economic empowerment through research, advocacy and technical assistance. Her main areas of interest are women's position in the labor market, women's entrepreneurship and public policy advocacy work.
Evelina Bulotaite
Evelina will join the NEWW Legal Fellowship Program in 2003. Currently, Evelina works with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania as the Chief Specialist in the Division of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. Evelina is responsible for preparing, monitoring and implementing the Lithuania EU
Accession program on women's health issues. Evelina also works with the Sexual Health and Family Planning Association of Lithuania
The 2003 Fellowship Programs are generously supported by the Ford Foundation and the Open Society Institute